Visioning and the perception of the here and now

Visioning is a powerful coaching tool

Visioning is a powerful coaching tool. This post looks at how visioning and our perception of the here and now can be used in life coaching.

In essence, it’s looking into the future and imagining something that you want changed. We use creativity to clarify the vision, we live the vision and we feel the vision in our body. We spend a lot of time in that vision and the reasons why are outlined in this blog.

My coaching storey
Perception in coaching


In terms of perception, it’s worth exploring this a little before we look at visioning. Perceptions about our past, present and future, are easily formed, held onto and often hidden. Sometimes the perceptions are very strong and other times vague and fleeting. Every opinion you have is based on a perception of something, be it true or false, honourable or destructive.

Why is this important? Firstly, “nobody gets to be wrong” your perceptions are your own and they shape and have shaped the decisions you make. So let me ask you this: What is your perception of the future and how is it affecting you now? You may want to take a minute or two on that one before we look at how the visioning exercise can alter your awareness, perception and being.

Past events

Past events have no doubt shaped us into who we are today. But it’s actually today’s perception of those events that is affecting us right now. This can be a hard concept to begin with because the past appears so clear, visceral, and tangible. At this moment in time, I’m not going to try and challenge your perception of the past. However, I do want to share a valuable insight that may help you achieve your life goals. So, with the loose idea that our perception of the past is malleable and not set in stone. I ask you to consider the questions below:

Past events stopping me progressing
  • What beliefs are you holding onto?
    • How are they affecting you today?
  • Think of 3 things that stopped you achieving your goals in the past?
    • How much does each one effect you today?
    • Where would you be today each one hadn’t stopped you?
    • How can you recognise these stoppages next time they appear?
  • What have you done that wasn’t 100% your own decision?
    • Who or what influenced you to make the decision?
    • How does it feel recalling it?
    • Did it teach you anything about your true calling?

Future Visioning

Future visioning is a very powerful tool when life coaching. However, we sometimes tend to get trapped by the past perceptions and these easily shape our future vision, and can stop us from being able to see a path forwards. We also have perceptions of what is achievable (or not) in the future, and these can be uplifting or damaging!

The meditator inside me is shouting out that the future does not exist, something that I’ll not get into in today’s blog. So, as I dial up the life coach inside me it reminds me of the power of creativity when visioning the future. By thinking big and being creative we engage the right hemisphere in the brain. It’s like releasing small minded perceptions and opening up to the word view where the whole picture emerges in a creative process. This actually balances the hemispheres in the brain and allows us to literally use more brain power. For more on this, I recommend reading Dr. Iain McGilchrist’s ‘The Master and His Emissary’.

Meta view big picture
Let go of past belief

Letting go

When visioning we first have to let go of preconceptions that are holding us back. Then, we can dive into the ideal future. We make that vision BIG, clear, vivid and embodied. The ‘realisation of our goals’ creates a physical change in our bodies, we start to assimilate our vision. We release ‘feel good’ hormones such as dopamine (which has positive health benefits) and my clients change! Some become calm and relaxed, others elated and happy, there is often tears of joy and laughter in a strong visioning exercise.

Being in the present

When we return back to the present our bodies still have the physical sensations of the vision and we can tap into the wisdom of the body and bring forth actions that are not constrained by our perceptions, the past, or a left hemisphere dominated brain. The wisdom is new to our present situation and based on how we are when in the vision. Afterall, the brain can’t actually differentiate between past, present and future so when we spend that positive time in our vision our deeper brain believes it is happening right now.

Although the physical changes do not last for long, the actions that come out of them are powerful and new. The trick to coaching is capturing those actions, aligning them with the big picture for the client and creating accountability. On that, one challenge is that after a few days, the physical sensations have long dissipated and the conditioning of the past is all the more present. This might make the actions seem a little redundant and worthless, they are being reconditioned based on past conditioning, perceptions and habits. The best life coaches make the actions meaningful, immediate and realistically achievable so that they happen, and the happen with momentum.

Being present

Final thoughts

You can hopefully see how powerful a single session could be. We can see the importance of having a coach that takes you to a space of ‘visioned future’ with ‘consciousness in the present’ connected to the physical body. We then pluck the actions out from the new space we have created. Then, we align them with the bigger purpose and make the actions specific, challenging yet achievable. 

In my ‘today’s opinion’, the true value of life visioning lies in the ability to get the client to let go of the past, experience the feeling of an ideal future (in the present), and be in the now to create small steps to a big picture.

Get Started In 3 Steps

Step 1
Intro Call

Contact me now to set up a 20 minute intro call to discuss coaching and organise your free coaching session.

Step 2
Demo Coaching

I will demonstrate the power of coaching in a 30 minute zoom meeting.

It will be real coaching on a topic of your choice!

Step 3
Discovery Session

We will run a 60-90 minute discovery session. It will form the foundation of our coaching journey.

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