What is a discovery call?

What is a Life Coaching Discovery Call?

Here I discuss the question; What is a life coaching discovery call? I hope to answer your curiosity and help give an understanding so that you get value from a discovery session when you have one.

There are 4 key areas to a discovery session that I will cover in this blog:

  • Logistics
  • Preparing the client for coaching
  • Discovering the client
  • Discovering the clients future
What is a discovery call?
Trusting relationship

Also, let’s not forget that it’s the first opportunity to start creating a trusting relationship between client and coach (You and I).

During the session, I will showcase my skills and demonstrate my credibility as a coach. This creates confidence in the coaching process, and opens a well-built relationship.

The discovery session will be a blend between teaching (logistics and preparing the client), and coaching (discovering the client and their future). Discovery sessions are longer than usual coaching sessions, usually taking around 90 minutes. They are sometimes heavily discounted or even free when signing up for longer coaching packages.


We basically get the ‘boring stuff’ out of the way at the start. It means we become clear on what’s expected, both client and coach.

We will work out; how to book a session, how often we should meet, cancellation policy, fees, confidentiality agreements and any other forms that might be necessary. In a nutshell, we’re creating a business relationship, and it’s best to start with open communication and clearly defined logistical details. This also includes setting professional boundaries! Phew, let’s look at the more fun stuff.

how to prepare for coaching

Preparing the client for coaching

This is an empowering process where we discover how we will work together and what you need from your coach. I call this ‘Designing the Alliance’. It’s part of coaching that comes into play in almost every session. After all, things change and clients want to be challenged in different ways.

Any coach needs to train their client in terminology, so that we’re singing from the same hymn sheet throughout the journey. A clear example of this is with the saboteur, I’ve hear this called; inner critic, demon, superego, negative self-talk, inner child, destructive inner monologue and many more!

We also discuss how requests, inquiries and homework will be set, and how it can deepen the learning in between the sessions. In fact, I’ll let you into a little secret: It’s the time in between sessions where the transformation happens!

Finally, the I will talk about my coaching style and what’s needed to get the most out of a session. Great coaches are not there to just listen to a story about what’s going on in your life, we’re there to incite change!

We will intrude on your narrative, blurt out, and find what the real challenge is. We will look at what’s not being said, or avoiding being said. And coaches will give you hard truths at times. It’s important a client understands this so that it’s not too unexpected and out of the blue when it happens. Although, it’s rarely unexpected and clients usually thank me for it, even if it’s though gritted teeth or flushed cheeks.

Discovering the client

And now the spotlight turns to the client… The coach gets to discover the client (I, Thou relationship), and often, the client gets to discover something new about themselves too.

It’s not possible to tell you exactly what we cover here because it’s unique to every individual’s needs. Generally speaking, we will discover core values in a fun fulfilling, and often enlightening way.

We might touch on life purpose and what gives you meaning, furthering this into a meta view, or big picture. To be honest, there’s a whole host of coaching tools that we pull out of the hat when needed. Another one could be the ‘Wheel of Life’ which looks at your life as a whole and which areas need some focus. Or, creating some internal allies that you can ‘dial up’ when needed.

If we use the metaphor of a story, this whole section is about setting the scene for the coaching journey.  We get to know the values or characters that will play a pivotal role in the transformation. We learn the synopsis of the story and how the story feels.

Discovering yourself
Designing your future

Discovering the client’s future

As above, we discover your ideal future though coaching as well. We start formulating the specific goals you want to achieve. We might look at commitments and situations that are on the horizon. How you want to ‘be’. By this I mean, what are the internal characteristics, values or personality traits that you wish to develop and how will they help fortify your success.

We will spend some time creating a clear vision for the future, read my blog about visioning.

All in all, we start to narrow down the focus for the coaching journey. Although there will be twists and turns as there usually is in life. We create a main focus and narrative. Usually described as a direction.

At this point I hope you have already started the process of booking your life coaching discovery call.

Start Life Transformation & Business Coaching in 3 Steps

Intro call to coaching

Intro Call

Contact me now for a 20 minute intro call to discuss Life transformation & business coaching. It’s vital to see if we resonate together. We also organise your free coaching session.

Demo life Coaching

Free Coaching Session

I will demonstrate the power of coaching in a 30 minute zoom meeting. It will be real coaching for you and based on a real topic that you bring!

Life transformation coaching


We will run a 60-90 minute discovery session. We will discuss your needs, pricing and discover your internal allies, Saboteurs and core values. This will form the foundation of our coaching journey.

Who wrote
the coaching blog?

I’m Jon Younghusband – The Unity Coach.
Finding the best life coach can be hard, it’s important to resonate with your coach. I primarily work with:

  • People who want to find their life meaning. If you’re feel stuck and want to make positive changes to your situation, I can help.
  • Leaders and people of influence who need help making a difference. I can help you unleash your true potential.
  • Businesses looking for clear directions and sustained growth. I can help you grow your business.

I began coaching whist working as a Sales Manager for a Sunday Times top 100 company… [read more]

4 responses to “What is a Life Coaching Discovery Call?”

  1. […] package starts with a free 90 minute Discovery Call [discover more], where we get to discover each other and decide if this is the right package for […]

  2. […] anyone considering life coaching, I can’t recommend The Unity Coach enough. These sessions have provided me with clarity and confidence, and I’m eager to see where […]

  3. […] package starts with a free 90 minute Discovery Call [discover more], where we get to discover each other and decide if this is the right package for […]

  4. […] package starts with a free 90 minute Discovery Call [discover more], where we get to discover each other and decide if this is the right package for […]

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