The Unity Coach

Coaching Blog

The Unity Coaching blog is your chance to learn a little more about your coach.

  • Coaching Pace with Free Coaching

    Coaching Pace with Free Coaching

    I’ve created a way to work on my coaching pace and offer free coaching sessions. I explore the energy, the offer and what I get out of it.

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    4 min read

  • Why Hire The Unity Coach?

    Why Hire The Unity Coach?

    The first thing you probably want to know is ‘who am I’. And then you probably want to know ‘what I can do for you’. Then, you’re probably going to ask about my credibility as a coach.

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    4 min read

  • What is a Life Coaching Discovery Call?

    What is a Life Coaching Discovery Call?

    Here I discuss the question; What is a life coaching discovery call? I hope to answer your curiosity and help give an understanding so that you get value from a discovery session when you have one. Also, let’s not forget that it’s the first opportunity to start creating a trusting relationship between client and…

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    4 min read

  • Life transformation coaching

    Life transformation coaching

    Does starting life coaching seem a little risky? It’s a fair when you’re about to commit to time, energy and money! You probably want to ensure you get value for money and create a long lasting life transformation.

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    4 min read

  • Is paying a life coach worth it?

    Is paying a life coach worth it?

    There are so many angles at which you can look at the value of life coaching. And, it’s best to look at life coaching in terms of value. This enables us to incorporate value of what it brings to life, with the cost in terms of time and energy, as well as monetary.

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    4 min read

  • Visioning: A powerful coaching tool

    Visioning: A powerful coaching tool

    One of my favourite ‘tools’ in life coaching is visioning practice. This post looks at how visioning and our perception of the here and now can be used in life coaching.

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    4 min read

Who wrote
the coaching blog?

I’m Jon Younghusband – The Unity Coach.
Finding the best life coach can be hard, it’s important to resonate with your coach. I primarily work with:

  • People who want to find their life meaning. If you’re feel stuck and want to make positive changes to your situation, I can help.
  • Leaders and people of influence who need help making a difference. I can help you unleash your true potential.
  • Businesses looking for clear directions and sustained growth. I can help you grow your business.

I began coaching whist working as a Sales Manager for a Sunday Times top 100 company… [read more]

Business, community & life Coaching

Lets develop your business to ensure long lasting growth and set a clear, focused direction.
Is your team driving your business to the success it deserves?

Unlock new goals, redirections, or even enlightenment in your life with completely personalised coaching sessions.
What could you achieve in the next 10 years if you made small significant changes now?

Find and develop your community group around your core values. I can help you unleash the potential in your community and achieve common goals.

Get Started In 3 Steps

Intro Call

Contact me now to set up a 20 minute intro call to discuss coaching and organise your free coaching session.

Demo Coaching

I will demonstrate the power of coaching in a 30 minute zoom meeting.

It will be real coaching on a topic of your choice!

Discovery Session

We will run a 60-90 minute discovery session. It will form the foundation of our coaching journey.